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(42 customer reviews)

Premium Blend Tea

630.00৳ 5,900.00৳ 

Products Description

  • Category: Premium Blend ( Black Tea)
  • Net. : 01-10 Kg
  • Packet: Ploy Pack
  • Box: Loose Tea

Delivery Time 

  • In Side Dhaka: 24 Hours ( Home Delivery)
  • Out Side Dhaka: 48 Hour ( Home Delivery)
SKU: PRTEA20BD Category: Tag:


According to the National Cancer Institute, tea contains caffeine, amino acids, carbohydrates, proteins, chlorophyll, fluoride, aluminum, minerals, and more. Black tea or liqueur tea contains polyphenols, chemical compounds that protect plants from ultraviolet rays or harmful germs. Flavonoids are a type of polyphenol.

Premium Blend Tea

These polyphenols have antioxidant effects. Antioxidants can inhibit the activity of free radical cells. Free radicals can harm health and even kill body cells. Free radicals also contribute to the development of many diseases such as cancer.

Disadvantages of drinking black tea

Drinking extra liqueur tea can also cause side effects. Physical side effects can occur if you do not drink tea at the right time or in the right way. Tea should not be drunk before or after meals. This can lead to various problems.

  • Tea prevents the absorption of vitamin B from the body, which is one of the causes of beriberi.
  • It disrupts the digestive process, destroys the feeling of hunger.
  • Excessive tea drinking disturbs sleep.
  • Drinking too much tea increases the risk of arthritis.
  • Tea absorbs iron from food, can cause anemia.
  • Excessive drinking of tea or coffee makes them addicted. As a result, you can’t stay without tea or coffee for a moment, and you feel headaches and fatigue.
  • Excessive tea and coffee should not be drunk during pregnancy.
  • Drinking tea on an empty stomach can cause acidity.


Additional information

Weight 01 kg
Tea Package

10Kg, 1kg, 3Kg, 5Kg

42 reviews for Premium Blend Tea

  1. MA Rob

    Here are the very best tea leaves found in Tea Shop. There are many quality tea leaves found here.

  2. Mohammad Zunayed

    The best quality tea seller organization,best reasional price provide and guarantees the right quality❤️

  3. Hemal Ahmed

    i love premium blend tea, i love this shop, i love service. good and carry on.

  4. মারজানা আফরিন বৃষ্টি

    আপনারা Premium Blend Tea এমনিতেই দেন নি। সত্যি চমৎকার লেগেছে সব কিছু। এখন থেকে আপনাদের Premium Blend Tea চা ছাড়া কিছুই খাব না। রেবনল টি এমন একটি প্রতিষ্ঠান তৈরি করার জন্য ধন্যবাদ।

  5. Morjina ali

    Really this is good tea in bangladesh. Thanks Tea Shop

  6. Tabassum refat

    sotti sob kisu Osadharon silo. ★★★★★ 5 ta dilam

  7. Monalisha Mariya

    দাম যার একটু বেশি, স্বাদ তার একটু ভাল। সব কিছুই ভাল লাগার মত। ধন্যবাদ

  8. মইনুল ইসলাম

    দশ এ দশ দেওয়া যায়। যেমন স্বাদ তেমন ঘ্রাণ। সব মিলিয়ে এক অসাধারন চা। এগিয়ে যান

  9. menarul islam monju

    vaya, ai tea ta amar kase onek valo legese. thanks tea shop

  10. Aiub Ali Khulna

    apnader service and tea amar kase valo legese. this is good black tea in bangladesh. Good Primuam black tea. thanks

  11. Hasim Ahmed

    Thank this tea in online sell. this is good tea in bangladesh. ami apnader tea akon thake proti mas a order dibo.

  12. Anjuman Ruby

    ami happy ai karone je. ami srimangal giyesilam. sekan thake 600/- dame tea anesilam. akon ami dhakay bose tea pasii taw abar home dalivary. apnader tea is very good.

  13. Ali Akbar

    Really amazing blent tea and good test. very nice tea in bangladesh.

  14. Rakib Billah

    best quality tea in bangladesh.

  15. রহমান

    অসাধারন লেগেছে আপনাদের প্রিমিয়াম কোয়ালিটি এর চা। ধন্যবাদ টি শপ বিডি কে।

  16. নুরুল্লাহ্

    সব মিলিয়ে ভালো বলব অবশ্যই। এখন থেকে আপনাদের চা খাব। তবে ডেলিভেরি চার্য একটু কমিয়ে আনলে ভাল হবে।

  17. Asma Sultana

    im very happy for shop is tea. this is good tea in bangladesh.

  18. রহমান মালেক

    আপনাদের সব চা থেকে এই চা টা ভাল লেগেছে খুব। যতদিন আছি আপনাদের Premium Blend Tea টা খেয়ে যাব।

  19. Akul

    Premium Blend Tea is a good tea in banglades.

  20. মতিউর রহমান

    আমি সবাইকে সাজেস্ট করব এই Premium Blend Tea চা কেনার। সত্যি অসাধারন চায়ের স্বাদ ও কালার। দুধ চা টাও জোস কালার দেয়। নির্ভয়ে সবাই কিনতে পারেন।

  21. Salam

    Good cha in banglaesh.

  22. শাহিন আলম

    ওয়েলাকাম, চায়ের স্বাদ ও কালার টা অসাধারন ছিল।

  23. arfina akter

    Good Tea in bangladesh

  24. Aduri Hasan

    Good Tea in bangladesh

  25. মৌলভী মঞ্জুরুল হক

    অনেক ভাল লেগেছে আপনাদের চা পাতা। আমার একদম পছন্দের

  26. Najnin Roji

    Amar priyo shop

  27. Akul Ent

    Best Tea in bangladesh. Suvokamona roiro aonader jonno

  28. kamal akul

    সত্যি অনেক ভাল চা আপনাদের। আপনারা এগিয়ে চলুন এই কামনা রইল

  29. Kumkum

    “I’ve been searching for a Decaf tea that actually tastes like a ‘Primiaum Bland Tea’ and this one is a winner! Honestly can’t tell the difference and I am obsessed with it, thanks Tea Shop BD!

  30. Chamily

    “I love Tea Shop BD- in fact the top of our fridge has many boxes stacked up. I do like the regular Breakfast tea as a special treat instead of a regular big-brand tea bag so I was really excited to see a decaff version which I could drink at bed time instead- and bought two large packs. To be honest I’m a bit disapointed- it has little of the depth and complexity of the regular tea and seems to be weaker. Having it in a cup rather than a mug the size of an olympic swimming pool helps bolster the flavour, but it seems to be a shallow alternative to the regular pyramids. Never mind, there are lots of other flavours with no caffeine- the mint, the jasmine green, teh superberry and rooibos are all great alternatives.”

  31. Cheers

    Thanks tea shop bd, I have recently been diagnosed with blood pressure and have been told to try to resolve this with lifestyle changes. One of those changes is cut out the caffeine. So I was ecstatic when I found your decaf tea temple within my order. As you say I whipped the kettle on and waited for 3-5 mins! It was delicious and I couldn’t tell the difference against the taste of your everyday brew. Thanks teapigs I will be purchasing this from now on and fingers crossed it will be of a great benefit to me. Cheers, M☕️

  32. Lavly

    I’ve had a lot of decaf tea over the years and this rates as one of the better ones. Nice taste and doesn’t look grey in the cup like so many do. I will be ordering these tea once they become available.

  33. Nilufar Yesmeen

    This is good tea and best tea shop. Amazing service.

  34. Ali Amzad

    Thanks a good tea supply. good shop for tea.

  35. মারজানা আহমেদ

    আমি প্রথম চা অর্ডার করেছি, রিভিউ দেখে। আমি যেমন ধারনা করেছিলাম ঠিক তার থেকে ভাল চা পেয়েছি। ধন্যবাদ টি শপ বিডি কে । অসাধারন একটি চায়ের শপ দেওয়ার জন্য

  36. kamal akul

    Love their black tea. I am allergic to fruit and who knew – but most black tea leaves are sprayed with Citric Acid (fruit) to prevent mold growth which is a problem for me. This tea is truly organic with no preservatives. Love my cuppa every morning and am so glad to have found something that doesn’t make me sick

  37. Ajharul Islam

    The black loose tea is my favorite. It’s a strong brew and so full of flavor. I’ve been a black tea drinker for forty years and I highly recommend this tea. Thank you!

  38. abdul mannan

    This is good tea on tea shop bd. Thanks

  39. নবিউল ইসলাম

    সব মিলিয়ে অসাধারন হয়েছে চা, আমি বাড়ি থেকে এই চা যুক্তরাজ্যে নিয়ে এসেছি। প্রায় শেষের পথে, আবার নিতে চাই আপনাদের প্রিমিয়াম ব্লেন্ড চা।

  40. khairul Borket

    This tea is good enough to convert me from coffee !

  41. Minu Khandaker

    Ahhh. Good Good Good Tea. My favorite, always.

  42. Millat Rahman

    This is my favorite black tea from TeaShop so far. It has a very fresh taste, and because it is black, it has a slightly higher level of caffeine than other types of tea.

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